My friend Jeffrey sent me a package of some art supplies used by his late mother, and included some brass rubbings she made while visiting some churches and cathedrals in England in the early 1980s. The first 4 images and the text portion of the last image are from the Thomas Wilmer memorial brass plaque at the Staverton Parish church.
I scanned them in, in multiple passes per rubbing and present them for your viewing pleasure.
There are 3 rubbings in total, and 5 images. The first image shows the final versions of the best piece.
After that is the original, unprocessed image, followed by a close-up and then a fractalized, colorized, version.
The final image is a composite of two rubbings. The text rubbing does have a name that I searched for, and found out that it is from the same brass plaque as the first image!
This article shows the full image and has more information: Thomas Wilmer.
I’m still looking for information on the gold on black rubbing.
Here are the scans and processed images: