I got my first new bike in 6 years, and she’s a beauty if I do say so myself!
Presenting my 2018 Bianchi Infinito Celeste, a modern road bike that is built more towards comfort than speed, though she’s still plenty fast.
She rides like a dream and I expect to ride many thousands of miles on this bike.
Here are a few pictures from my first couple of rides, including a trek down the Meadowlark Trail today.

My parents bought my first bike when I was 12 from Mongomery Ward in 1956. I’ve loved cycling ever since. I’m not an avid cyclist, but at 73, I still take my bike out around the neighborhood. I admire the iconoclastic people who ride in all weather or at any age for sport, principle, or need. My favorite cycling song is “Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head” although I don’t know why. Congrats on your cycling adventures. It makes me wish I was young and cycling scenic places too.