Poop Dragons for a Modern World
Given the current state of affairs, it seems only appropriate that this month’s post features poop. No, not that kind. When making multi-color 3D prints, there is some waste when changing filament colors. … Read more
We Will Survive!
Given the current state of affairs, it seems only appropriate that this month’s post features poop. No, not that kind. When making multi-color 3D prints, there is some waste when changing filament colors. … Read more
I find that naming and articulating your fears won’t make the concerns any less real, but does provide a couple of things.
One is focus. If you have a named issue to worry about, it’s better than just having vague worries.
I’m re-reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a late 60s account by William Shirer, a reporter who had observed and reported on Hitler since the 1920s. Very interesting to read … Read more
My representative asked me, where should we get the tax dollars so we can protect property taxes from rising too quickly? I’m extremely disappointed that Steven Johnson from Assaria doesn’t appreciate that the … Read more
Or is there a method to his madness? I believe his apparent revolt against 3 of the main tenets of modern republicanism, delivered on the night Romney gave his acceptance speech, speak to … Read more
I’ve been sick with a slight fever all week, so maybe I just don’t understand what’s going on regarding the proposed Health Care Reform bill, but here’s what I see as of this … Read more