I find that naming and articulating your fears won’t make the concerns any less real, but does provide a couple of things.
One is focus. If you have a named issue to worry about, it’s better than just having vague worries.
Another is status: as in, where are we now? Has the bad thing happened, was it worse, or were the concerns mitigated?
So, with that in mind, here are my top of mind concerns today:
- Ukraine is in trouble and may be forced back into Russia
- Gaza will cease to exist as a separate entity
In my country:
- women’s health tops the list. The list of concerns includes access to birth control, access to late pregnancy health care, access to “abortion” pills, etc.
- an attempted replay of Operation Wetback (yes, that was the official name) wherein thousands of migrant workers were forcibly removed by Eisenhower
- human rights, across all aspects of life, will be curtailed, but esp. for LGBTQ folks
- climate change; we will meet none of the goals the world has agreed upon and will likely backslide in many ways
Feel free to comment on these concerns or share your own as well.
This image of the everflowing river and the ancient rocks is meant as a reflection of our eternal struggle.