I just finished participating in a month long drawing activity known as Inktober . I had heard vague references to it, but all I knew before I started was that the goal was to draw something using pen and ink, every day for the month of October.
I figured it was worth a shot and the practice wouldn’t hurt. Plus, I have a small variety of fountain pen inks, so this was an excuse to try a different ink every day.
Instead of loading up fountain pens with new ink every day, I used two different glass dip pens.

I later learned there were prompts to generate ideas for each day’s drawing, and if I do it again, I’ll try to draw something related to the prompts.
As it was this year, I simply sat down and started doodling whatever was on my mind. I would warm up on a separate piece of paper and then add my drawings to nice notebook.

Overall, I’m glad I did it! It was a challenge to draw some days, but not a burden.
Following are all of the drawings I did for Inktober 2019.