Seamless City

Here’s an interesting story about a San Francisco photographer who is photographing and assembling a 30 mile long panorama of San Francisco. Ranging from popular tourist spots to lesser known areas of the … Read more

We Don’t *Have* to Tell You

And soon it will be a crime to even ask. Ashcroft balks at Congress’ request for antiterror oversight The featured image (which may only be displayed on the index pages, depending on … Read more

What if America Wasn’t America?

The Ad Council put together a series of Public Service Announcements titled Campaign for Freedom following the events of 9/11. Designed to celebrate the freedoms that define the USA, the middle 4 of … Read more

I Think He’s Got a Point!

Written in response to the late 1990’s decision by the Kansas Board of Education having voted to eliminate the teaching of evolution, this Memo From God is still a good read today. The … Read more

Assembled With Care

I recently built a new home computer system, though that’s not what this post is about. While I didn’t have any serious problems, I’m *sure* things would have gone even better had I … Read more

Wild & Free Color Chart

Even Celebrities Do It

enjoy fine cooking, that is. 🙂 At first I thought this was a spoof site, and I guess it is in some ways, but there’s no denying that they have many sumptious food … Read more