Who’s Gonna Stop Us?

John Perry Barlow, a well known electronic freedom fighter, takes a long, occasionally bordering on a rant, but always sensible look at the recent Congressional actions which will allow the shrub to unleash … Read more

Big Boy in Solomon

West Wing Watch

I don’t watch much TV, but West Wing caught my eye last year, and I’ve enjoyed it ever since. If you like the show, or are just curious about it, the West Wing … Read more

Categories TV

Ain’t Gonna Study War No More

“The bottom line is I don’t trust this president and his advisors. “ So stated California Democrat Rep. Pete Stark on the floor of the House recently. In a scathing, pull no punches … Read more

Escher, by Lego

No, really. Escher’s Ascending & Descending, rendered using LEGO colored blocks, shows what two creative minds, with too much time on their hands, are capable of unleashing on an unsuspecting world. The featured … Read more