IM Goes Global

I found a funny, satirical blog, nominally written by Kim Jong-il of North Korea. It’s only a few days old, so there isn’t much content yet, but the funniest bits are the transcripts … Read more

A Vet’s Thoughts on Protest

Yesterday I wrote about why I believe that protesting the war is still important, and briefly explored the notion that being antiwar does not mean one doesn’t support the actual soldiers involved in … Read more

Sights and Sounds of Freedom

Speaking of antiwar protests, I’m very pleased to link to local activist Lisa Rein, who has put together an excellent narrative of her experiences observing the antiwar protests in San Francisco these past … Read more

Why Protesting is Still Important

I am opposed to the US use of military force in Iraq. I held this belief before the invasion started, and have not changed my mind. What has changed is that I, personally, … Read more

Small Bangs

This would be bad: I remember these from when I was a kid: We all love turtles: See larger images of all the above, plus many, many more at crackerpacks, a site devoted … Read more

Southwest Chicken Wraps

This is a simple, quick and very tasty recipe that has sort of evolved over the years and has never been written down. I made it again last night, (it’s a family favorite), … Read more

Colorado Trip September 2015

Trust Your Heart

I recognize in myself the struggle alluded to in the quote below. I like to think that as I continue through the journey of life I continue to gain appreciation for that which … Read more