Candy Cane Lane

Recent Visitors

I’ve added a new feature over on the right side of the page. As you can see, the nominal location of the last few visitors to the site is listed. While not necessarily … Read more

Aliens in the White House?

I read it in the National Geographic: “Others think that aliens are alive and well and living in the White House.” Oh, but wait. It was in their April Fool’s special edition, so … Read more

Book Blog

Bookfilter is a blog devoted to books and all things book related. It’s a rich, though text-only, site which I found while browsing over at I Will Dare. I love books and bookstores, … Read more

I’m the Boss, That’s Why!

Teresa, over at Making Light, takes an extremely insightful view into the management style of our current president. What initiated her well written rant was this quote from a recent 60 Minutes show: … Read more

Beatles: A-Z

This is a great site; sure to be enjoyed by anyone who likes the music of the Beatles. Here you will find a full discography of their work, including solo recordings. Each song … Read more

I Wonder What’s Different This Time?

The following quote, found over at the Testify! blog, adds to the evidence that starting a war without support from other world leaders is not only wrong, but quite likely criminal. “We must … Read more

US Constitution Under Attack!

Do you think I’m exaggerating or engaging in excessive hyperbole with respect to this topic? Well, keep reading and then see what you think. I’ve written about the US government’s planned Patriot II … Read more