Swedish Tea Ring -- after cutting

Days Between

Days Between was one of the last and also one of the strongest tunes composed by Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia. Hunter’s words reflect the more than 30 years worth of experiences shared … Read more

Good Advice

According to Fox News: Law enforcement, airline personnel and airport security officials were warned on Tuesday to pay close attention to electronic items being carried aboard airplanes, with the explanation that Al Qaeda … Read more

Zoom Zoom Zoom

Here’s a nice little diversion to start the week. In a series of images evocative of the classic Powers of 10 exhibit, this richly illustrated sequence demonstrates once again that things are not … Read more

All the Pages Now Validates!

In yet another example of a busman’s holiday(weekend?) I spent most of the past couple of days working on this site in an effort to make the site validate per W3C standards. Here’s … Read more

DataBase Migration Successful!

If you are reading this, then it means that the migration of my blog’s content from one mysql database to another was successful. The reasons for doing the migration were at least two-fold: … Read more

It’s Moving, Isn’t It?

This is just too weird. As you look at this image (attempts to shrink the image to fit this page broke the very powerful affect; go ahead, it’s worth the click!), the circles … Read more