Fair and Balanced

Just so the good folks at Fox propoganda news are aware, this site also strives to be “fair and balanced”. See this story as well as this one for more details. Besides this … Read more

All Mars, All the Time

I recently discovered Martian Soil, a neat site, and one that seems to be updated quite regularly. In their own words: Martian Soil is a daily blog dedicated to Mars, bringing the exploration … Read more

Fabric Pines Under Half Moon

Around the World in 4 Years!

Four years ago, Erin and Chris quit their jobs, sold their apartment and made plans to tour the world. Theirs wasn’t just to be a quick whirlwind tour; no, they were going to … Read more

Keeping Count

I don’t usually go for these kind of lists one finds cluttering their email, but this one was sufficiently different that I thought it worth sharing. Ratio of an igloo’s circumference to its … Read more

Me Too

The featured image (which may only be displayed on the index pages, depending on your settings) was randomly selected. It is an unlikely coincidence if it is related to the post.


Earlier this year the photo review/critique site photoSIG underwent some major changes. When version 2 of the site was rolled out there were a number of sustantial changes made to how photoSIG operated. … Read more