
This is a photo of my favorite fluorescent mineral; a beautiful, brilliant 4 color piece from the Franklin mines of New Jersey. This is one of my first digital photographs of our fluorescent … Read more

Lindsborg Spring Flowers

What Will it Take?

Boingboing points to a fascinating insider’s view of an activity that many Americans have come to dread. Think about the details of your last car buying experience before reading the article and see … Read more

Mixed Message

or just extremely insightful news coverage? This accidental juxtaposition of two seemingly unrelated topics struck my funnybone. I suspect that one could make sport of this, watching CNN, etc. looking for similar odd … Read more

Pig by Gedney

I just discovered the works of William Gedney. He was a photographer and writer who was active from the 1950s through the early 1980s and in locales ranging from both coasts of the … Read more

The Ad CBS Won’t Show recently ran an ad contest looking for entries that displayed a different perspective than most political ads. Tired of the same old ads, MoveOn went in search of “new talent and new … Read more

The Dark Lagoon

Peanuts 2004

Here’s a link to a fun quicktime movie; I don’t think I appreciated how wildly they danced before! And the music is thoroughly 21st century. The featured image (which may only be displayed … Read more

Gong Xi Fa Chai!

I don’t usually post links to Flash sites, but a colleague shared this, and as I was also born in the Year of the Monkey, it seemed appropriate to pass along. It’s a … Read more