Heading North

Our latest journey, a road trip to Seattle to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary, got off to a low-key start today. We left San Jose around 9am and with little effort (and virtually … Read more

Bison Puzzle Whimsy -- Moose

Pane Pugliese

My adventures with yeast continued this weekend, when I attempted a much more complex recipe than usual. Pane Pugliese is a simple, rustic bread, but some effort is required to achieve the seemingly … Read more

9/11 Hearings Available

I got this in the mail recently and it seemed worth passing along. The 9/11 Commission Hearings are available right now for free at http://www.audible.com/911hearings. These important audio documents represent yet another way … Read more

Think it Over

A reflection on things I learned today: The pessimist is one who says “Things couldn’t possibly be worse,” the optimist says, “Sure they can.” — the daily irrelevant The featured image (which may … Read more

Prairie Spirit Trail

Zork 2004

The games haven’t changed since the 1980’s, but the delivery mechanism is pure 21st century. Zork, (and Zork II & III) are now playable using an AIM compatible client. In addition, many other … Read more