Memorial Day 2004

At times like this, the sacrifices made by soldiers in service to our country is certainly felt more deeply than during times of peace. Protecting our freedom and civil liberties is (supposed to … Read more

Maui 2004

As we first approached the island of Maui I was reminded of what a lush, luxuriously green paradise we were about to visit. In some ways, returning to Maui feels a little like … Read more

Smoky Hill River, April 2014

Maui Bound

We’re leaving for Maui in the morning, so posting will be sparse for the next few days. I do hope to have some images to share in the near future; I’ve already scouted … Read more

Above Rosehill Cemetery

Honey Buttermilk Bread

Having extra buttermilk on hand and being in the mood to bake, I quickly found a suitable recipe and got started. The resulting sesame seed rolls turned out great; they were very light … Read more

Cinnamon Poppy Seed Cake

After we received our Penzey’s order we realized we had ordered a bit too much of both cinnamon and poppy seeds. A quick google search presented the following recipe, which we found to … Read more

Pasta al Forno

My lovely wife Sheryl made this very scrumptious dish today. The recipe is largely based on Rachael Ray’s recipe with the same name. Very highly recommended! Pasta al Forno 1 pound rigatoni 2 … Read more

Converging Lines

The Door in the Wall

Thanks to a recent posting by Accordion Guy, I had the great fortune to read what has quickly become one of my favorite short stories. The Door in the Wall is a very … Read more