Friday Fish Follies
Via boingboing comes this fish tale of 40lb catfish and the men who catch them … with their bare hands! John has more information about this most unusual approach to catching fish.
We Will Survive!
Via boingboing comes this fish tale of 40lb catfish and the men who catch them … with their bare hands! John has more information about this most unusual approach to catching fish.
Even though you work 80 hours per week on a computer, for relaxation you read your email and peruse eBay. You have worked at the same job for a year and people call … Read more
DAMNITOL Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 8 full hours. ST. MOMMA’S WORT Plant extract that treats mom’s depression by rendering preschoolers unconscious for … Read more
So, how’s your day going? Update: alternate link, in case first one isn’t working. Thanks to Joi Ito. The featured image (which may only be displayed on the index pages, depending on your … Read more
Another fine example of a 404: Page not Found spoof. Thanks to
Setting up a new installation of Windows 2003 Server I saw a very strange message the first time I ran Internet Explorer. As the image below shows, there is a popup telling that … Read more