Spring Flowers in Palo Alto
It’s early in the season, and it was cloudy today, but the flowers at the Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden in Palo Alto are colorful enough to brighten any day! Colorful medley of fractalized … Read more
We Will Survive!
It’s early in the season, and it was cloudy today, but the flowers at the Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden in Palo Alto are colorful enough to brighten any day! Colorful medley of fractalized … Read more
Couple of shots from today’s drive. Utah rest area. :: Blue Salt Lake ::
And not a moment too soon! I saw this yesterday afternoon (after a morning snow!) and made it back with my camera today. Bethany College campus, corner of 2nd and Olson.
I couldn’t choose just one, so here’s a set of three sunset photos from this evening. I do especially love the peach color and the luminous light of the first one.
Sheryl’s been going through some of her mom’s stuff and hung up this tile in the kitchen. I absconded it with it for a bit so I could take some photos; I saw … Read more
Continuing my renewed habit of blogging first, and updating Facebook and Twitter afterwards, here’s a shot of Lindsborg from Coronado Heights earlier this evening.