Small Bangs

This would be bad: I remember these from when I was a kid: We all love turtles: See larger images of all the above, plus many, many more at crackerpacks, a site devoted … Read more

Here, Here, and Here

It seems that there isn’t a topic or concept that isn’t represented on the web. That’s a good thing; a technological ark in some ways, it seems to me. Here’s the latest such … Read more

Nothing to do with War … ?

Well, at least not directly. Though when one considers how seriously card playing is taken by some folks, you might wonder. But this is more just for fun. Seems Bob Lancaster has undertaken … Read more

Codex Seraphinianus

Imagine a book, vividly and somewhat bizarrely illustrated, written in a language for which there is no known translation. Imagine further that the pretext for the book is a travalogue or scientific study … Read more

Big Boy in Solomon

West Wing Watch

I don’t watch much TV, but West Wing caught my eye last year, and I’ve enjoyed it ever since. If you like the show, or are just curious about it, the West Wing … Read more

Categories TV

Riddle me This!

Get ready for some of the toughest riddles you’ve ever encountered! Even some of the easy ones leave me scratching my head. [ ..:: wu :: riddles(intro) ::..] The featured image (which may … Read more