These pictures reflect the calmness and normalcy of life post-pandemic and post … TFG.
We’ve got Aiko, posing in a basket, and helping out in the shop. He continues to be a constant source of joy and affection.
The Jackson and Perkins roses are blooming very nicely, a bit surprising for container roses in their first year. (Maybe it’s the Mel’s Mix?)
The roses were unplanned. What happened was I was at the garden store getting supplies for the vegetable garden. They had bare root roses in stock, and I almost made an impulse purchase. Two problems: the roses were generic varietals, and I know specific hybrids produce great results. They were also from unheard of nurseries. I think I made the J&P order within days!
And finally, the vegetable garden. Worthy of a whole post of its own, suffice to say, it’s working! So far we’ve harvested radishes, lettuce, cucumbers and potatoes. The tomatoes are set on and the peppers are close. Returning to the soil after an almost 20 year absence has been very rewarding.
So that’s the calm, normal, regular life here in June 2021. For the record, the political battles continue to rage, and if voting rights are not preserved, we are in serious trouble next year, but, for me, those are things I can put in the background for a while. Ahhh.