Ida Laurina (Lindberg-Anderson) Cipra was born on this day 100 years ago! She was raised in the Rose Hill farming neighborhood northeast of Lindsborg and is buried in the Rose Hill cemetery. All four of her grandparents were born in Sweden. More importantly, she’s the mother of my wife Sheryl.
She shared a life long bond with her 3 sisters, Adelia being the oldest and Carola the youngest. Most of their lives were spent living within 20 miles of each other.
They and their relatives had the foresight to take pictures of the 3 of them, posing together, throughout the decades, and I’m honored to be able share these today.
I have special feelings for her, my mother-in-law. Without her, I would not be blessed with the 3 greatest people in my life, Sheryl, Lisa and Moneka.
She helped us out in many ways throughout our marriage, both with occasional financial assistance and more with her overall attitude.
I mean, can you imagine letting your 17 year old, only daughter, move to Seattle to give birth to your first grandchild, accompanied by an equally 17 year guy? (We were married, and I was in the army, but still …)
Oh, and the time I got the measles while in basic training. I was hospitalized, and had access to a phone. Now for you kids out there, long distance (what’s that?) was not cheap back in 1974. I don’t recall the amount of the bill, but it was pretty staggering.
Another time, shortly after we’d moved to California, Sheryl and I were having a young marrieds situation. Perhaps some time with mom would be a good idea?
Her mom laughed and said:
you won’t any sooner get here than you’ll miss him so bad you’ll want to go back, and I can’t afford to have you traveling back and forth like that. Stay there and figure it out.
43 years later, I guess we figured something out.
Happy Birthday Laurina!
(there are more photos on Flickr.)

Her 83rd birthday.

Mom, dad and baby brother Rollin.