Today is a special day for Sheryl and myself. It’s the 41st anniversary of the day we committed to traveling the path through life as one. And as they say, what a long strange trip it’s been!
But today is an extra special anniversary. Not solely due to the fact that we’re both so happy to actually still be together after her heart attack last October, though that’s enough by itself.
Today also happens to be Easter. It last occurred on April 5th in 1953 and won’t happen again until 2026. I missed the first one, but hope to make both the 2026 and 2037 occurrences.
Easter is the celebration of the rebirth of Jesus, completing the cycle of his birth, death and resurrection.
Equally, our marriage wouldn’t have lasted this long if we hadn’t weathered the inevitable cycles that life brought our way and which have made our bonds even stronger over time.
And so it goes in the planted tank world. Below we see the full cycle, beginning with a freshly trimmed tank through the jungle-like overgrowth caused by 3 weeks of being ignored, and finishing with a freshly trimmed tank. And so the end is the beginning, as the cycle will repeat itself.