Best Photos of 2013

I took just a bit over 16,000 photos in 2013! Of course, shooting hundreds of shots at a time in pursuit of stacked image processing for star trails and macro photography caused that number to increase compared to years past, but it’s still a large number of photos for me!

Also, this year I’ve been shooting 5 shot HDRs quite frequently, where before I took 3 shot HDRs, so that also contributed to the increased number of shots compared to before.

Speaking of last year, I only shot 6,000 images in 2012. Between 2008 and 2011 I shot around 7-8 thousand per year. The last time I shot over 10,000 shots in one year was 2007 (also the first year to reach that number.)

Anyway, 80 images is 1/2 of one percent of the 16,000 I shot in 2013 and it represents my first pass cut at selecting my top 25 images for the year:

Best Photos of 2013, rough cut

The featured image (which may only be displayed on the index pages, depending on your settings) was randomly selected. It is an unlikely coincidence if it is related to the post.