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Mac RealOne Player Tips

Item 1: The recently received email touting the new RealOne player neglects to mention that there is no update for the Mac client. Item 2: If you lose access to

Cinnamon Swirl Bread

King Arthur Flour has a great recipe for Cinnamon Swirl Bread. The resulting loaf was very well received and has probably become a regular in the rotation. I posted the link to the … Read more

Smoky Hill River in Winter

On Giving Advice

“Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.” -Samuel Taylor Coleridge The featured image (which may only be displayed on … Read more

What is Mac OS X?

The answer to that question may be found in a very detailed article at Written by a recent Mac convert who was asked to give an overview of OS X to a … Read more

Macworld Expo 2004

The Macworld Expo is being held this week in San Francisco. Being a relatively new Mac owner, I thought I would check out the event in person (having seen it on the local … Read more

Cliffs along the Smoky Hill River

Lake George, New York

The other day I followed Dave’s link to Susan Kitchen’s detailed and very interesting Mars update site. Being naturally curious, I went exploring and stumbled across a very nicely done multimedia story located … Read more

Giant Land Barnacles

Apparently seeking a brief respite from dealing with a variety of sysadmin issues, Ken accurately observes that the Charcoal Kilns south of Lone Pine very much resemble Giant Land Barnacles. I took another … Read more