When Condiments go Bad

Another in a series of take-offs of the periodic table, this one purports to represent the nominal shelf life of a variety of condiments. The numbers seem reasonable based on my experience, but … Read more

Posting Problem Resolved

AMK4 responded to the previous entry with some thoughts on how I might work around the fact that the weathernws plugin doesn’t work well with ecto and NetNewsWire (the blog isn’t completely and … Read more

Posting Problem Clarified

Well, I figured out why NetNewsWire and ecto both had difficulties when posting to this blog. Turns out that when one of my plugins, the one powering the hourly weather updates, was installed, … Read more

Ecto Update

I remembered that ecto displayed the entire response from my server (compared to NNW’s “error 500”) and so decided to post using ecto. Hopefully I can figure out something from the error message, … Read more


Posting Test

Seems my problems with ecto are related to a problem I’m having rebuilding my site. The article is posted, but not visible till I rebuild by hand. I had previously posted using NetNewsWire … Read more

Faris Cave Drive

Challah Recipe

Continuing my adventures with yeast I tried a slightly more complicated recipe yesterday. This was my first time using a sponge as part of the process and also the first time I applied … Read more

Ecto Notes

I’ve been giving the new weblog tool, ecto, a spin and here are some notes and comments regarding this potentially useful blog tool. The tip (scroll down to Q6) about configuring your MT … Read more