What is Mac OS X?

The answer to that question may be found in a very detailed article at kernelthread.com.

Written by a recent Mac convert who was asked to give an overview of OS X to a local Linux users group, the article is very technical in nature and has exposed me to aspects of the system that I hadn’t previously known about. There’s enough material here to occupy many more hours exploring, learning and reconfiguring my system in search of that perfect Mac experience.

Table of Contents


* A Brief History of Mac OS X


* Architecture of Mac OS X
* Booting Mac OS X
* XNU: The Kernel
* Above the Kernel
* Mac OS X System Startup
* Mac OS X Filesystems


* Programming on Mac OS X


* A Sampling of Mac OS X Features


* Available Software for Mac OS X


* Why Mac OS X?


* Mac OS X Hacking Tools

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