Fun With Numbers

Via Doc comes word that there is much fun to be had by analyzing the results of a variety of search results at the White House web site. Seems Brian Dear has spent some time doing just that, and has provided a handy table of results for your viewing pleasure. Among the key findings:

Iraq is mentioned almost 500 times, Enron barely 50. Fear & worry are both approaching 500 entries. Showing where this administrations’ focus lie, references to foreign outnumber domestic by a 2 to 1 ratio. Visit Brian’s site for the full list, including the scores for sex, drugs and rock&roll.

(Note: results not independently verified; the White House may have made changes invalidating these findings. ymmv. etc)

The featured image (which may only be displayed on the index pages, depending on your settings) was randomly selected. It is an unlikely coincidence if it is related to the post.